About Rapid Transformational Therapy

Our subconscious beliefs form a blueprint that our mind must follow. What if you could access your subconscious mind and find out exactly what is keeping you from creating what you want?

 Most of our beliefs are formed by the time we are 7 years old. Part of our beliefs come from what we are taught and what we live. So if your parents argued about paying bills, or seemed stressed when they did pay the bills, you might form a subconscious belief that there is never enough money. If your parents were constantly telling you that money doesn't grow on trees, you might form a belief that money is hard to come by. And if someone gives an older sibling more money than they give you, you might form a belief that you are less worthy or valuable than others. We have many subconscious beliefs we aren't aware of that are interfering with our ability to do whatever we want.

If you could hook a keyboard and monitor up to your subconscious mind and have someone program in the most beneficial beliefs, would you hire someone who was 7 or younger? Someone who adopted every belief they were taught without questioning whether it was really true? Or a wounded child whose negative emotions about an experience caused them to form a negative belief about themselves that wasn't even true when viewed from a wiser, adult perspective? No! Because you, as an adult, have the wisdom to examine a belief and determine whether or not it is really true, and if it is serving you.

Your mind's job is to do what you tell it. If you tell your mind that money flows to you freely and easily, and you don't have a conflicting subconscious belief, then money will come to you freely and easily. However, if you were the child who formed the belief that you weren't worthy of as much money as others, or that you were less valuable than others, you can say any affirmation about money as many times as you want for as long as you want, but it won't work. The mind cannot hold conflicting beliefs! Your subconscious beliefs MUST match your conscious beliefs or you will continue to be conflicted around money.


Your conscious beliefs are not the same as your subconscious beliefs. You can consciously believe that you deserve to earn as much as you want, but if you don't believe it on a subconscious level, it creates conflict. So even if you go through a process where you write down what you believe your limiting beliefs are and say affirmations of the opposite, it will only work if you subconsciously believe what you are affirming.

How Rapid Transformational Therapy Can Create Permanent Change Quickly

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a scientifically proven process that allows you to directly access your subconscious mind to find out what your subconscious beliefs are and change them. It enables you to create rapid change in your life by allowing you to identify the what is holding you back from doing what you want to do and creating the life you desire. It replaces those beliefs with new, empowering beliefs that immediately create new possibilities and allow you to move beyond what was possible for you before.

Your subconscious mind is incredibly powerful. It holds memories of everything that ever happened to you, whether you consciously remember those events or not. It also knows exactly when you acquired every subconscious belief that you hold. When you are in a state of deep relaxation, you can access those memories by asking the mind questions.

While RTT is most commonly used to treat depression, anxiety, addictions, fears and phobias, it can also be used to accelerate spiritual growth. 

For example, you can ask your mind what is preventing you from being more intuitive, and it will respond by revealing to you what events happened to cause you to not fully trust it, and what you made those events mean.

So, if you expressed an intuition as a child that was dismissed or ridiculed, you may have formed a belief that it isn't safe to use your intuition. You can then review that memory using your adult wisdom and reframe what it meant. Perhaps it meant that adults weren't comfortable with your intuitive side. But as an adult, you are no longer concerned with what others think of you as much, and decide that it is safe to use your intuition now.

You can then instruct your subconscious that you now believe that it is safe to use your intuition. Once the subconscious is on board with the new belief, you can move past your previous limitations.

Click here to book a discovery call to see how RTT can help you move beyond your limitations.